
Book Review: Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age by Alan Noble

Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age by Alan Noble

When Timothy Keller says a book is the best book he’s read in a long time, I take notice. So after seeing Mr. Keller make such a statement on Facebook about this book, I quickly ordered a copy for myself.

In an age of increasing technological distraction, and a secular worldview that reinforces an 'immanent frame' (Charles Taylor's phrase), how should followers of Christ respond? Attempts to work within the secular worldview have failed for Christians, both in terms of our public witness and in terms of our personal experience of Christ. In this book, Alan Noble unpacks these problems and then offers a way forward for individuals and the Church at large. In line with James K. A. Smith, Noble suggests some practices, or liturgies, for us to consider that will serve as a disruptive witness to a culture consumed with the here and now. These historic practices will not only serve our own souls well, but Noble's hope is also that they will help restore the witness and transcendent message Christians are called to share with the world.

This was a good first book of the year to read. As a pastor and missionary, I desperately want to see people have meaningful encounters with Christ. Yet, far too often, I fall into the same distracted immanent trap of our distracted age. This book was a reminder that what the secular world needs most is not a hip new approach to evangelism, but rather an intentional engagement with our God who is both transcendent and immanent through Jesus Christ.

5 Stars

Book #1 of 2019