
JRF's #30 - Love or Die by Alexander Strauch

This excellent little book is a study of Christ's letter to the Ephesian Church as recorded in the book of Revelation.  The church in Ephesus was a doctrinally discerning church, however they had abandoned the love they had at first (2:4).  Jesus then warned them: "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent" (2:5).  

In the first third of the book Strauch digs into this short passage and helps us understand Christ's diagnosis of the sick Ephesian church.  The second third of the book surveys the Biblical teaching on love and mines out some truly precious and practical truths for the present day church on how to cultivate love.  The third portion of the book is a study guide that can be used by a small group to teach and model Biblical love.

As I was reading, I came to realize that although it is common in the church and Christian to talk much about love, I don't know that a serious study and understanding of the Biblical teaching on love is as common.  I have been in churches that have majored on love and compassion and minored on doctrine and discernment.  I have also been in churches that have been sacrificed love on the altar of doctrinal purity.

This book was a great reminder that true Biblical Love and Truth are not and cannot be at odds for both are found in and emanate from Jesus Christ Himself and He demands both from His Bride.



"the nurture and practice of love is a life and death issue to the local church." - p. 26

"All human love finds its proper place and order in life only when love for the eternal Creator-God is first and foremost." - p. 31

"If you are not a participating member of a local church, then you are not in God's school of love." - p. 46