Spiritual Warfare

JRF's #8 - Towards Spiritual Maturity by William Still

I had never heard of Scottish pastor William Still but three things attracted me to this book:

  1. - It was short
  2. - I liked the title
  3. - Sinclair B. Ferguson recommend it with these words, "He remains the person whose ministry has made the deepest impression on me."

I am glad I picked it up.  I had been unaware of how I had let my confidence in God's sovereignty allow me to drift into a lazy apathy.  Still called me back to the battlefield and showed me how God's sovereign work on the cross was both the reason I am at battle as well as the power against the enemies within and without that rage against my soul.  The Cross of Christ wages war against my sinful flesh and protects me from the very real Satan.

I particulary appreciated Still's chapter entitled The Military Training of the Christian Soldier which laid out the truth that at times we need to know how and to what Refuge we are to retreat from evil, at times we are able to stand firm against the onslaught of the Evil One, and how and when we are to advance against the forces of Darkness with the Truth and Life of the Risen Savior.

I will be chewing and digesting this one for years to come.  I encourage you to dig in yourself.