
JRF's #6 - To the Glory of God by James Montgomery Boice


I don't think I need to tell you that Paul's letter to the Romans is an important book.  It is also very intimidating - as God's Word should be.

This 40 day devotional taken from sermons by the late James Montgomery Boice is a helpful tool to begin mining the countless jewels Romans has to offer.

We read through this together as a community group and it was exciting to see how every week our eyes were being opened to a new aspect of the amazing Good News of Christ, regardless of how familiar each person was with Paul's letter.

This collection of excerpts from Boice's sermon series, along with the acompanying Scripture passage and an application question was the perfect portion for a daily diet of meditating on God's glorious Gospel and its implications for our daily life.

This is a flyover of the mountain range that is the book of Romans.  But the view of the majestic snow cap peaks is more than enough to lure this traveller into a lifetime of exploring the valleys, ravines and cliff faces of these Himalayas of Scripture.

"A reigning monarch is a triumphant monarch.  If grace is reinging in us, grace is advancing its conquest over sin.  Christians sin. But they are not defeated by sin, and they do not continue in it...The goal of grace is to destroy and vanquish sin."