
JRF's #34 - Reformation:Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Carl R. Trueman

I was expecting Carl Trueman's book to be polemic and blunt, as his blog often is.  I was pleasantly surprised when I found that this book was not only filled with important and passionately defended truth, but also with grace and gentle concern for the people of God. 

Reformation is Trueman's call to the church to resdiscover and never move beyond the Gospel centered message and methodology of the Reformers.  He narrows in on three great Reformation emphasis' that he asserts the modern church needs to recommit to:

1) the church's emphasis upond Jesus Christ and Him crucified,

2) the emphasis upon Scripture as the basis and norm for the proclamation of Christ,

3) the church's accent on assurance of salvation as the normative experience for all Christian believers

Trueman not only shows how each of those emphasis' was discovered and fleshed out in the Reformation era church, but also delineates a clear practical path for the church of today to recommit herself to those same powerful Biblical truths.

There is a lot packed into this small book.  I am thankful for the clarity and conviction with which prof. Trueman brings his call to God's people.  This would be an excellent book to read together on a church leadership team/elder board.