In this small, practical book, Erwin Luzter (pastor of Moody church in Chicago) speaks Gospel truth to a situation that we all have experience in - sin - or "blowing it".
This book was an encouragement to me as I tend to be the kind of person that easily focuses on the weight of sin and when I "blow it" I am prone to let the cloud of my sin eclipse the sun of God's grace and forgiveness. This book was great reminder that not only is that foolish, but compounds my problem by thinking that by wallowing in misery I am somehow able to earn God's favor. Truly realizing the seriousness of sin should not push us away from God but push us to to the Cross.
While it does not even come close to plumbing the depths of the Gospel and its implications for our daily lives and relationships - and here and there where a few cheesy catch phrases that I found unhelpful and misleading - I was routinely impressed with how concisely Lutzer was able to illustrate and explain powerful truths and their applications in this short book.
For that reason I would commend this book to any and all who have ever felt that their sin is beyond forgiveness and that they have "blown it" one time too many.
(speaking about the Prodigal Son) "...the father's love cuts both ways: It beckons him to return, but also magnifies his own rebellion. If the young man returns, he will have to face his own guilt and shame in the presence of undeserved love. Grace is often more difficult to accept than the law wielded with a heavy club." - p.20
"In light of God's grace, it is sheer arrogance for us to hang on to our guilt." - p.45
"Grace should create within us a passion for Christ that is greater than our passion to sin." - p. 67