Multnomah sent me this book because I ordered 150+ copies of Radical. I was a little bit cynical, so I didn't read it for a while thinking that it was perhaps just a rehash of Radical. It was definitely my loss.
Radical Together is a great read for anyone whether you have read Radical or not, though I highly recommend Radical. Whereas Radical focuses more on the individual Radical Together talks about how the church can be unleashed to live out the gospel around the world for the Glory of God. Often after a good movie I will have the feeling of wanting to live my life in a way that makes a difference for all of eternity and not get bogged down in the day to day activities of life that can keep us from the most important things in life. I felt the same as I finished this book.
David Platt keeps going back to the sufficiency of Scripture and the need for the church to effectively make disciples. I have often thought that I wanted to do Church on the Side. As I was reading this book I had the thought, "I have have always wanted to do church on the side. Not to make it a smaller part of my life but a bigger part." May Radical Together encourage you to make making disciples a larger part of your life God the sake of God's Glory and his purposes being fulfilled in the world.
The clip below will give you richer taste of what the book is about.