But the gospel says, "You have no rights, only responsibilities." It says, "Life proceeds out of death." It says, "Your children will live to the degree of your dying."
William Farley has done the body of Christ and Christian parents in a general a great service with his work, Gospel Powered Parenting. The first half of the book speaks very little to parenting and mostly of the Gospel. It is a refreshing look at parenting through the eyes of the gospel rather than the latest in pop psychology.
He hits on a number of themes that those who look to the Bible as their main source of parenting guidance should be familiar with such as, the father is the head of the household and bears the primary responsibility before God for the spiritual development of his children. On corporal punishment Farley says, "The world says, 'Corporal punishment is child abuse.' But the Bible answers, 'Failure to discipline is child abuse.'"
The one area I disagreed with the author on is that where and how we educate our children has little bearing on their spiritual development. I think Proverbs is very clear on the effects of peers on every area of our life. Every study regarding youth and adolescent influence I have ever seen would disagree with that. Other than some anecdotal evidence from a few families not much is offered in the way of proof that education matters little if their is proper discipling going on at home.
While I disagreed with Farly in this one area the book as a whole was great and perhaps the best book on parenting I have ever read.
***** stars out of 5.